Manufacturing Jobs: Why Everybody Is Hiring But Nobody’s Getting Hired

Even though the US is beginning to recover from the economic hardships caused by COVID-19, many industrial employers are struggling to fill open manufacturing jobs.

If you look at the situation from a job seeker’s perspective, they feel they’re in the driver’s seat.

Even if the listed opening offers good pay, if the job specifications aren’t clearly laid out, the potential applicant will just move on.

Likewise, if everything they want isn’t there — pay, benefits, opportunities, etc. — they’ll find someone who is offering all that.

So, everybody’s hiring but nobody’s getting hired!

Per an SME report, the US manufacturing industry lost approximately $1.33 million jobs in April 2020 as the pandemic impacted the economy.

Even if, let’s say, 30%-40% of the candidates who lost their industrial or manufacturing jobs in 2020 got new jobs, 70% of them are still looking for one.

Also, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 26,000 manufacturing jobs were added in December 2021. Therefore, there’s no dearth of manufacturing jobs or job candidates on the market; there’s merely a disconnect in the way manufacturing companies are recruiting.

To hire smart and efficiently in 2022, manufacturing employers need to revamp their recruitment policies and ensure they accommodate the shifting candidate landscape.

Here’s how you can start filling those manufacturing jobs.

Begin With Creating a Comprehensive Talent Pipeline

First things first, if you want to win an edge over your competitors and hire the best talent in the industrial and manufacturing space, build a robust talent pipeline.

With a ready-to-refer talent pipeline, you have quick access to a large database of potential candidates.

To build a comprehensive talent pipeline, segment candidates on the basis of:

  • Role
  • Years of experience
  • Skillsets
  • Location
  • Expected pay

Employee referrals are the most affordable, quickest, and one of the most efficient ways of creating a talent pool.

Research suggests that 82% of employers ranked referrals above other options for yielding a better ROI.  Also, per a LinkedIn study, employee referrals are 4 times more likely to be hired.

Recruiters can also work with HR solutions providers to source candidate databases.

Communicate With Candidates At Their Convenience

Many recruiters have set methods when it comes to communicating with candidates and interviewing them. However, in the current scenario, it’s important to determine which medium each candidate prefers when it comes to communication.

According to Jobvite’s 2021 Recruiter Nation Report, 60% of recruiters recommend SMS or texting when it comes to communicating with manufacturing job candidates as most of them can be easily reached on their phones as opposed to computers.

Per the same report, 70% of manufacturing job applicants prefer communicating via text messages vs. calls and emails. However, it’s not viable to conduct interviews over text.

Since most smartphones have video calling, recruiters can schedule video interviews to save the candidates’ effort and time of coming to your office.

Focus Your Efforts on DEI

Job candidates not only expect good and fair pay but also a sound work environment in terms of important issues, such as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

Per Glassdoor’s research, 32% of job candidates would not apply to a company without proper DEI policies in place. Therefore, recruiters must identify the need to demonstrate their commitment to DEI efforts when hiring industrial and manufacturing employees.

They should also ensure they’re hiring candidates across different genders, sexual orientations, cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, and so on.

According to McKinsey’s Diversity and Inclusion Report, companies with better gender diversity perform better than less diverse companies by almost 25%. Also, DEI helps a great deal in boosting employee retention.

Avoid Relying Solely on Technology to Find the Best Talent

While most recruiters say that they’re working hard to attract talented industrial and manufacturing job candidates, they’re typically not searching in the right direction.

They heavily rely on HR solutions powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies to find the resumes of candidates.

AI-powered HR solutions typically use keywords or phrases to filter potential candidates. They lack the “human touch” that comes with reading resumes and evaluating candidates in their entirety.

Properly Market Your Manufacturing Jobs

Lastly, ensure you’re marketing your industrial and manufacturing job openings well by:

  • Updating the careers page on your official website regularly
  • Posting and promoting them on your social media pages
  • Highlighting employee success stories on the careers page
  • Working with local community colleges and high schools to promote industrial and manufacturing careers

If you need a proven industrial staffing partner in the Chicago area, please contact us.